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  • Dr Mita Verma - best Obstetrician and Gynaecologist in Delhi, India Dr Mita Verma - best Obstetrician and Gynaecologist in Delhi, India

    Dr. Mita Verma

    Obstetrics and Gynaecology,Mother's Nest Senior Consultant - Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Mother's Nest
    MS, MBBS, Others
    27 Years

    Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
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    About me

    I have always been driven by a deep urge to do something more challenging. My mind always pushes me, saying, do something tough, something not done before. Easy things can be done by anybody. But tougher jobs need dedication.

    Having spent nearly 3 decades in gynaecology and obstetrics, I am highly proficient at managing high risk obstetrics, infertility and gynaecological problems. I have been an active member of the city’s most legendary obstetrics and gynaecology team under Dr. Sheila Mehra. I have successfully performed and assisted more than 20,000 laparoscopic surgeries for various kinds of gynaecological and obstetrical disorders.

    Medical expertise

    Advanced laparoscopy and hysteroscopy surgeries | Adolescent medicines | Complicated and high risk pregnancy | Endometriosis | Infertility | Menopause problems & treatment | Ovarian cyst | Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS/PCOD) treatment | Urinary tract infection | Vaginal infections

    My education and training

    MSBRD Medical College, India (1992)
    MBBSBRD Medical College, India (1987)
    • Advanced (tertiary level) laparoscopic and endoscopic surgeries training under Dr. Sheila Mehra, considered a pioneer in laparoscopy.

    My publications and papers

    • 25+ publications across various national and international journals (e.g. Indian Journal of Gynaecology and Endoscopy, The AOGD Bulletin, etc)
    • "Myomectomy made easy", World Congress of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
    • Co-authored "Practical Manual of Endoscopic Surgery- Volume I & II"
    • "Abdominal Surprises during Laparoscopic Surgery", video presentation, AIIMS-DGES conference
    • "A Rare Complication of Lower Segment Caesarean Section", Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (2008)

    My awards and accomplishments

    • Triple gold medallist and recipient of "Chancellors Gold Medal"
    • Expert speaker on trending gynaecology and infertility topics on leading news channels and major publications (e.g. Sunday Herald, Parenting, Times of India, Femina, Grih-Shobha, Hindustan Times, Sarita, etc)
    • Felicitated for merit by the Ministry of Higher Education (U.P.)
    • Consultant for many leading Indian PSUs (such as Air India and BHEL)
    • Co-coordinator for laparoscopic and endoscopic surgery training programmes
    • Member (Editorial Board), Delhi Gynaecological Endoscopists’ Society

    What I'd like to tell my patients

    For me, you are a family member and I treat my patients during their entire natural life, through their teen-age to adolescence to pregnancy to menopause and beyond. Many families have been my patients for generation.

    Dealing with infertility and treating childless couples is a complex task and each couple has a different problem and needs a different treatment. I take pride in helping each couple build a complete family. I always encourage expectant mothers to deliver normally. Proximity of my residence helps my patients be assured that I am always there at the time of need, even during odd hours and holidays.

    My team and I at Moolchand understand women’s health better than many in India. Patients visit me for all kinds of chronic disorders, life threatening and those requiring urgent intervention.
    We pioneered laparoscopic surgery in the country and Moolchand is recognized as a national referral unit for complex cases which are routinely rejected even at top corporate hospitals for being too difficult/complex to handle.
    I can confidently state that if I am not able to perform a normal delivery for a patient at Moolchand, there is no other doctor elsewhere who can do it.

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    Senior Consultant
    MD, MBBS, Other...
    28 Years
    Mon - Sat
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    30 Years
    Mon - Sat

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    Besides the obstetrician who will help you give birth, there are several other important factors that should be......


    About me

    I have always been driven by a deep urge to do something more challenging. My mind always pushes me, saying, do something tough, something not done before. Easy things can be done by anybody. But tougher jobs need dedication.

    Having spent nearly 3 decades in gynaecology and obstetrics, I am highly proficient at managing high risk obstetrics, infertility and gynaecological problems. I have been an active member of the city’s most legendary obstetrics and gynaecology team under Dr. Sheila Mehra. I have successfully performed and assisted more than 20,000 laparoscopic surgeries for various kinds of gynaecological and obstetrical disorders.

    Medical expertise

    Advanced laparoscopy and hysteroscopy surgeries | Adolescent medicines | Complicated and high risk pregnancy | Endometriosis | Infertility | Menopause problems & treatment | Ovarian cyst | Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS/PCOD) treatment | Urinary tract infection | Vaginal infections

    My education and training

    MSBRD Medical College, India (1992)
    MBBSBRD Medical College, India (1987)
    • Advanced (tertiary level) laparoscopic and endoscopic surgeries training under Dr. Sheila Mehra, considered a pioneer in laparoscopy.

    My publications and papers

      • 25+ publications across various national and international journals (e.g. Indian Journal of Gynaecology and Endoscopy, The AOGD Bulletin, etc)
      • "Myomectomy made easy", World Congress of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
      • Co-authored "Practical Manual of Endoscopic Surgery- Volume I & II"
      • "Abdominal Surprises during Laparoscopic Surgery", video presentation, AIIMS-DGES conference
      • "A Rare Complication of Lower Segment Caesarean Section", Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (2008)

    My awards and accomplishments

      • Triple gold medallist and recipient of "Chancellors Gold Medal"
      • Expert speaker on trending gynaecology and infertility topics on leading news channels and major publications (e.g. Sunday Herald, Parenting, Times of India, Femina, Grih-Shobha, Hindustan Times, Sarita, etc)
      • Felicitated for merit by the Ministry of Higher Education (U.P.)
      • Consultant for many leading Indian PSUs (such as Air India and BHEL)
      • Co-coordinator for laparoscopic and endoscopic surgery training programmes
      • Member (Editorial Board), Delhi Gynaecological Endoscopists’ Society

    What I’d like to tell my patients

    For me, you are a family member and I treat my patients during their entire natural life, through their teen-age to adolescence to pregnancy to menopause and beyond. Many families have been my patients for generation.

    Dealing with infertility and treating childless couples is a complex task and each couple has a different problem and needs a different treatment. I take pride in helping each couple build a complete family. I always encourage expectant mothers to deliver normally. Proximity of my residence helps my patients be assured that I am always there at the time of need, even during odd hours and holidays.

    My team and I at Moolchand understand women’s health better than many in India. Patients visit me for all kinds of chronic disorders, life threatening and those requiring urgent intervention.
    We pioneered laparoscopic surgery in the country and Moolchand is recognized as a national referral unit for complex cases which are routinely rejected even at top corporate hospitals for being too difficult/complex to handle.
    I can confidently state that if I am not able to perform a normal delivery for a patient at Moolchand, there is no other doctor elsewhere who can do it.



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