India's 1st JCI and NABH accredited Hospital
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    Patients and their families from more than 50 countries around the world have benefited from our half-century old tradition of excellence in healthcare. Our excellence has led to Moolchand being a preferred choice for many VIP’s including international diplomats and business leaders. Here is what some of our patients have to say about their Moolchand experience.

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    Moolchand enabled my race to recovery and functional independence!

    The paraplegia that I suffered following a gunshot wound on my spinal cord left me with a major deficit on many of my functional capabilities. Spinal cord trauma is more than a single event. After the injury, I was paralyzed waist down and was struggling through a cascade of secondary events. As traumatic as my spinal injury was, my orthopedic doctor and occupational therapist at Moolchand Hospital added a light-hearted approach and laughter to very professional therapeutic and rehabilitative sessions. 

    After three weeks of rehabilitation in Moolchand, I have gradually begun to develop sensation in my legs. It is Dr. Vishal Nigam’s compassionate care, tireless efforts and determination to heal me completely that have brought a new hope in my life and I hope to return to a relatively normal life soon.


    21-year-old man



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